Friday, December 19, 2008

28 Weeks (12 weeks to go)

Well we have made it through another exciting week.

Monday was our OB appointment with Dr. Trivette. We had a very quick "growth scan" which showed Paige is still doing well. She was measuring 2lbs 130z. and at the 60% for growth. Her arms and legs are VERY LONG just like Daddy. We also went for our glucose test (yet to hear the results) I am hoping and praying I pass this one as if I don't I will need to go back and take a 3 hour test.

Paige is still breech so the doctor said we will check her again at 36 weeks. If she is still breech we will schedule a c-section for week 39. This did bum me out at first but now I am finding the bright spots. (no long labor, no stitches down there etc.....)

Today was our growth scan with Dr. White

Cervix is holding strong at 4.50cm and Paige again looked really good. She is weighing in at 3lbs. and again long and ahead of schedule. Our favorite nurse did the sono and she put the 3D on and gave us amazing pictures. I am going to try and post one on this website. We go back at 32 weeks for another growth scan. They also gave me a movement chart I need to fill out.

We love you Paige, and can not wait to meet you:)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

27 Weeks (13 to go)

Another week down. This week has been pretty good. I am starting to get really tired again and sore all over. My legs, feet, and back are in constant pain at this point. Again all worth it when we finally see the end result. This Saturday we have our birthing class from 9-5 at the hospital where we will deliver. I am looking forward to the class so I can get an idea of what to expect. I dont think it has hit me yet that I need acutally deliver Paige. Cant she stay in there forever?

Next week is a big week. Monday we have a non-stress test, growth scan, and gluclose blood work. Friday we have a cervix check and growth scan with Dr. White. I cant wait to see how much Paige has grown and how much she weighs.

Grow big and strong little one, we love you:)

Friday, December 5, 2008

26 weeks (14 weeks to go!!!)

Lets see this week we had a check up with Dr. Allen. She was much more personable which made me happy. Gained 7 more pounds, uterus looks good, healthy 147 hb. I really cant believe how quickly the weeks are going by now. Next week will be quiet as we have no appointments but the following week we will do glucose blood work, 2 sonos/growth scans, and a cervix check. Christmas is 3 weeks away and i am really looking forward to some time off and visiting with my family. We got a few more gifts.......DJ booth from Aunt Bobbie and a generous check from Aunt Kathy in GA. Looking forward to my shower and seeing all the wonderful gifts Paige will get. I will write next week.

We love you Paige, please grow big and strong


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

25 Weeks/Thanksgiving

Another week down (just 15 to go)!!!!!
This week again was pretty uneventful which is always a good thing. I feel tired, sore, ligament pain etc......... But I will take all the pain if it means Paige is growing big and strong. This week is Thanksgiving and that means I get tomorrow and Friday off which I am really looking forward too. How many things we have this year to give thanks for!!!! Every year we say that around the dinner table but this year I feel it is just SO true.

Next week we will have another doctors appointment with Dr. Allen and we will get to hear her heartbeat. This is always something that puts a smile on my face. Starting next week we will see the OB every 2 weeks vs. once a month. We are getting there slowly but surely. I have said from day 1 that if we can just get through the holidays Paige will be here before we know it. Tomorrow officially kicks off the holiday season so I am really looking forward to it!!!!

Grow big and strong Paige, we love you!!!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

24 Weeks!!

Things have been great!!! Week 23 went by without a hitch and here we are on week 24. This is a big week for me. I have read on the Internet that once a baby makes it till 24 weeks there is a good possibility they can be delivered and survive. As always i am hoping preterm labor will not be an issue but if it is at least I an have some hope. My next goal will be 30 weeks.
I went for a cervix check last Friday and everything looked really well. I had my favorite u/s tech (Patty) and she even gave me a quick peek at Paige. Cervix was holding strong at 4.78cm and fluids around Paige looked good. She was jumping around so much that Patty was finding it hard to get what she needed LOL Anyway I thought I would need to go again this week but Patty and Dr White confirmed I am done for now YIPPEE..... They booked me for another cervix check and growth scan at 28 weeks and said to call if I had any concerns. I love that office, they are all so nice and on-time!! I have a short break from doctors for the time being which is nice. Our next appointment is just an OB check up at 26 weeks with Dr. Allen (which will be all of 10 minutes knowing her)
Saturday we got Paige's room put together and DH put together the crib and glider. It looks like a real nursery and I just love it. I catch myself going in there just to rock on the glider and think about how it will be when Paige is here with us.
2 nights ago DH finally got to feel Paige kick from the outside. I think he was thrilled.... I also received my invitation for my home baby shower put on by my mom. I loved it, the theme is "a star is soon to be born" how cute.
Grow big and strong Paige we love you:)

Monday, November 10, 2008

22 Week Updates

Well we have had another great week!!
Thursday was our monthly OB appointment with Dr. Trivett. She was not my favorite but I guess she was OK. Nothing new to report there except all looks good. We heard a "healthy heartbeat" and my uterus is measuring exactly as it should.
Friday was another cervix check and growth scan for Paige. Cervix is holding strong at about a 4.38cm with no funneling Yippie!!! Then we got a look at Paige, HOW BIG SHE HAS GOTTEN. All organs including the heart still look very good. Overall she was measuring about a week ahead of schedule. However the length of her legs are 2 weeks ahead (I wonder where she gets that from? Could it be her Daddy?) They weighed her and she is 1 pound 6 ounces which is 6 oz. more than the normal. The nurse confirms she is in the 59% for growth which is great. Amniotic fluid levels were good and she has plenty of room in there to grow big and strong.
this was the first appointment that I could actually feel some of the movement I was seeing on the screen ( SO COOL) So over all she is a healthy little angel. We will continue with weekly cervix checks for 2 more weeks and the we will only need to go over 4 weeks for a growth scan to make sure she continues to progress.

I also set up the birthing class for 12/13 at the hospital we will deliver at. This is an all day Saturday class from 9-5pm. It should be very interesting.

Carpet is coming tomorrow and then finally maybe we can get Paige's room put together. I am so excited.

We love you Paige, grow big and strong for Mommy & Daddy

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

21 Weeks 2 Days I AM TIRED

Another week down!!! Here we are 21 weeks into it and I just cant believe Paige will be here soon. We went for our cervix check on Friday and all looked really good with the cervix long and closed at a 4.78cm (this is the longest measurement we have gotten thus far!!!!) We got a quick peak at Paige and a few more pictures. She is getting so big and no wonder the kicks and movement are getting stronger.

I had a bit of a scare this weekend. Of course it was suppose to be a great weekend but I woke up with horrible lower back pain on Saturday and basically it latest the rest of the weekend. It could have been from sitting in the car too long, or sleeping in a strange bed, or just BEING PREGNANT. It hurt so bad it nearly brought me to tears a few times. Of course I start getting worried that it was something more serious but it seems to have subsided. I did call the doctor and they took me right away. They confirmed I do have a bacterial infection which is easily cleared up with antibiotic. I got to hear Paige's heartbeat (150bpm) and they also measured my uterus which is right no target.

Despite feeling crappy I was able to go to Dana's baby shower on Saturday and register on Sunday with Mom and Michele. Registering at Babies R Us was so much fun and I picked out some beautiful stuff.

We have another appointment for a cervix check this week and then next week we will do a growth scan and regular OB check up.

Grow big and strong Paige we love you:)

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Wow I really cant believe we are half way there. It is just totally unbelievable. Paige is doing really well (i think). We had another cervix check last Thursday and things were holding strong at 4.38cm and no funneling. My favorite nurse did your scan and she even gave us a anther long look at Paige. She was jumping around like crazy and at one point gave us the thumbs up:) heart rate was a healthy 150bpm. She did a quick look again at all the major organs and said they look very healthy and Paige has a big brain therefore she will be very smart. They also measured the anionic fluid and that came back very normal and healthy. I am getting bigger that is for sure. My friend Lisa told me today she feels like i am getting bigger by the day:) I love that, i hope i get really big soon. I feel Paige allot these days. Of course I still have days were i feel her Little less than others but everyday i have felt something for a week or so. I have been very sore in that general area so I am thinking we must be having a big growth spurt or something. Sleeping seems to be getting alittle more difficult as i just cant get comfortable these days.
Tomorrow we will go again for a cervix check and then it is off to Rhinebeck.
Saturday is Dana's shower and then Sunday we will register at Babies R Us with mom & Michele. I am really looking forward to that.

Of and i forgot we finally brought home all the nursery furniture. I cant wait to get the room all set up so I can go in there and sit.

Again I really cant believe we have hit the half way mark already. The first 3 months went by very slow but now time seems to be flying by. We are approaching the holidays so I know that will make things seem even more quicker as well.

Paige we love you, please grow big and strong for Mommy & Daddy:)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

19 weeks

Today we are 19 weeks and Paige is doing great.
We had a big sonogram last Thursday and all looked really good.
Let me try to recap:
cervix holding strong at 3.98
placenta is in the right place and is not previa
heartbeat was 145bpm.
all major organs looked really good and healthy.
Paige was measuring about a week ahead of schedule and the u/s tech calculated my due date as 3/4/09. I am not sure if they will officially change my due date or not.
We also went to our monthly OB doctor and saw Dr. Allen. She was nice enough but not my cup of tea. She did advise I should not worry about sporadic movement for another month or so. Luckily for me I have been feeling Paige quite a bit in this past week. I go back Thursday for another cervix check (they will see me every week until 24weeks)
Nursery: DH & Andrew painted the nursery this weekend and it looks wonderful. The furniture is in and we need to make arrangements to pick it up as it is huge. DH parents bought the glider which i love!!! My parents bought the nursery furniture and Nana bought the pack & play, stroller/car seat, and high chair. things are really coming along!!!
I am definitely showing but of course i want to be bigger!!! Work on that Paige will ya?

Grow big and strong Paige we love you so much.


Thursday, October 2, 2008

17 Weeks 3 Days

Well here we are another week and a half later!!!
The weeks are really just flying by now and next week is our big sonogram and cervix check. I cant wait to see you again and know that you are OK. I had a bit of a scare this morning. Around 5am I woke up and felt muscle spasm in my right side (lower back) Of course i got myself all worked up and started to feel like i was having cramps. By the time i left for work it was all gone but i was pretty freaked out. I called the doctor office but she told me i was just having a growth spurt and not to worry about it (yeah OK) Anyway I have felt some of the hardest kicks today. I just felt 3 in a row and a very strong one before lunch. (maybe Paige was hungry) Every time this happens i rub my tummy and talk to her (even if it is inside my head)

We are making progress with the nursery. Andrew will come to paint Columbus Day weekend and last night i went to Max Pie and ordered new carpet for both the nursery and our bedroom. The carpet will be installed 11/11/08. It seems to be coming together. My parents will be ordering the furniture soon and Daddy's parents will be ordering the glider soon.

I will write next week after the big sonogram.

I love you Paige please grow big and strong for Mommy & Daddy.

Monday, September 22, 2008

16 Weeks Tomorrow!!!

Wow It really seems like the time is just flying by now. Tomorrow I will be 16weeks and all seems to be going very well. Last week we had out 15 week cervix check and my cervix measured a 4.33cm which the nurse told us was very good. It looked long and closed exactly as we would want it to be. Daddy asked the nurse if she would take a quick peek to see if we could see if BB was a boy or a girl. Low and behold she got a great shot and confirmed BB was girl. I was SO EXCITED i cant wait for a little mini me:) We have decided on Paige and already bought a few outfits for her. I decided on the glider, and furniture as well as the bedding. Daddy & I picked out some paint chips for the color on the walls and will begin to finalize on a color after the 18 week scan. I think I am showing more now although sometimes my belly looks bigger than others. I think my belly button is getting ready to pop soon as it is getting smaller and smaller:)
We will go home to Rhinebeck on 10/24 for Dana's shower and to register for BB. I think my Rhinebeck shower will be 12/27.
Movement: I feel things now that are def. not gas and not liagment pain. I think it is movement. Sometimes it feels like a pop sometimes it feels like there is a bug in my tummy swimming around. Either way everytime I feel it, it puts a huge smile on my face.
So many things going on I will keep you posted
We love you Paige grow big and strong for Mommy & Daddy. I truly cant wait for the day when we get to meet you face to face

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

14 weeks 2 days UPDATE!!!

Yesterday was our 14 week appointment. Of course I was nervous and had to use the bathroom 2 times before we even saw the doctor LOL!!! The news was all good here is a recap of what we found out:
1 gained 5 pounds (which the doctor says is healthy)
blood pressure: good
All blood work including the Nuchlar Trans. testing came back negative!! WOOHOO We will have more testing done at 18 weeks however the percentages went from 1/700 to 1/26,000
Doctor Fraas felt my uterus from the outside and said it feels great. It is exactly where it needs to be for 14 weeks.
Heartbeat: 155 bpm (we also heard movement again........this is the best thing ever)
Daddy thinks i am crazy but of course i had to ask if the decrease in heartbeat is anything to be concerned with. Dr. Fraas confirmed it is not. All heartbeats in the 120-160 range are healthy.
Specs: Dr tells me NOT TO WORRY (easier said than done) although i have not seen them in 3 days now.
Movement: 19 weeks i should start to feel something
I think that was pretty much it.
I left the office on cloud nine once again.
Keep up the good work BB and please start to show more as i want "look pregnant" and not just FAT:)

Friday, August 29, 2008

12 Week Nuchal Scan & Meeting with Peri

Wow what a day!!!
Yesterday was out Nuchal screening test and sonogram at Dr. White's office. Their equipment is state of the art and projects the pictures up onto a huge flat screen TV. It was amazing to say the least. Everything looked wonderful. We saw the kidneys. liver, heart, lungs, eyes, nose, mouth, 2 arms, 2 legs, 10 fingers and toes. BB was squirming like crazy and the heartbeat was 156BPM. I measured at 12w6d even though the doctor said we will still go by my original scan which would put me at 12w3d. The nurse measured the liquid behind the babies spine and she said that looked really good. We will now wait for the results of the blood work.

We also met with Dr. Laurel White who is SO NICE. She told us that my condition is not as serious as it could be but would continue to watch us really closely. I will go back to see her at 15weeks and then again at 18weeks to check my cervix. I feel very comfortable with her and all my doctors at this point. I feel like I am in the best care possible. We can not believe how much BB has grown. He/she really looks like a baby now and is so beautiful.

Of course now that my mind has been eased the "specs" have disappeared (go figure) I will take it and not complain. We finally told our family and I have told a few people here are work as well. It is scary for me to tell people because i feel like that might jinx us but Chris tells me it is time. When i tell people I am just about 4 months they are are like " kept the secret that long?" They have no idea what I have been through......if they did i think they would understand.

I will try and post our favorite picture of BB

Grow strong BB we love you more than life itself:)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

12 Weeks and Counting

Today we are 12weeks 2days. I cant believe we have made it this far!!! This week has been tough. I have been noticing some red/pink/brown specs on the tp from time to time and of course that does not give me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. I called the doctors office and of course they blew me off and said not to worry. Easier said than done. I just don't like to see that at ALL!!! Anyway tomorrow is our nuclear sono and perinatal consultation with Dr. White. I am praying all is OK and we can see a healthy baby squirming around in there. I have also had allot of ligament pain this week. The only way I can describe it is a pulling and tugging sensation.

I will write tomorrow and let you know how we make out. Say a pray for us that all is OK:)

BB please grow big and strong for Mommy & Daddy. I cant wait to see you again.....It has been too long.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

11 Weeks Today and Good News

Well it has been a rough couple of days. I have been getting major migraines for the last couple of weeks. They seem to last for a few days at a time and make me sick to my stomach at times. Silo was sick last night (what else is new) and kept Daddy & me up all night. Needless to say i felt one coming on again from lack of sleep so I called in sick today from work. I feel a little guilty about that but oh well. Spent the morning sleeping and getting things around here somewhat organized again. Yesterday I went to Quest for the blood work NP deb requested. They took 6 tubes and of boy did it hurt! If there is one thing I hate it is giving blood. It did however pay off, the nurse just called to say all my blood work came back NORMAL. Yippee!!!!! I don't really even know what they tested me for but if it is "normal" that is a good thing:) I am experiencing a few aches and some pulling down there today. Must be making more room for BB.
Next week on 8/28 we have our first consultation with the peri and nuclear testing/sonogram. I am really looking forward to that and I hope all is OK.
I will write soon.
Grow big and strong BB, we love you:)

Friday, August 15, 2008

Our Background

Well it has been somewhat of a long road to say the least. We started trying in June 2007 right after the wedding. I knew I would have some issues but thought they might be easily solved. Unfortunately that was not the case. After countless phone calls and appointments with doctors who just didn't seem to understand or care i finally go with a good group of doctors. We discovered i had under active thyroid and got on some meds to get that under control. Started seeing doctor Fraas and she put me on 2 rounds of Clomid. She also sent me for a special test to determine if i had any issues with my uterus and BINGO I did. I think i cried for about 6 hours straight that night thinking i would never have children. Off to the RE we went and the assured me it should not pose to many issues. Dr. Sullivan started me on Femara and although he claimed it was a failed cycle, low and behold we got PREGNANT. I was in utter shock and disbelieve. The irony is that we found out this news on our anniversary 6/23. What a present that was. Since then it has been up and down (at first low HCG levels, miscalculated conception date, spotting at 6weeks etc......) Low and behold we now seem to be on the right track. I remember thinking on 6/23 when we found out I would never make it 2 three months as it seemed so far away. So here we are almost at 11 weeks and only 2 weeks to go until we are in the clear. I cant believe it. We go to see a peri on 8/28 to do the NL testing and sono. I will keep you posted!!!

10 1/2 weeks and counting!!!

Wow I can't believe I am actually blogging about being pregnant!!!! It has been one big roller coaster to get to his place. I have to say i had myself convinced that it was going to be a much longer road than it actually turned out to be!!! Yesterday was my first doctors appointment with my regular appointment and I heard your heartbeat for the first time. It was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. We got a strong 163 bmp and we also heard what the doctor called "movement." I was so excited i could not believe it. You truly are a blessing and i love you more and more each day. Grow big and strong for Mommy & Daddy and we love you BB:)