Friday, November 13, 2009

Why do children have to get teeth or have ears?

OMG we are having issues.......Paige seems to be cutting teeth like its her day job. This of course is great but it makes her cranky and I cant stay I blame her. She will put something in her mouth and then all of a sudden cry. My poor baby

EARS!!! Still having issues with these damn ears. We are on our 4th antibiotic and now the infection is in the left ear rather than the right. The doctor said "wow that one looks like it hurts" I feel so bad for my little angel. She is sleeping very restlessly probably because her damn ear is killing needless to say we are off to a specialist. I see tubes in her future but don't really want to say that out loud. I am thankful she doesn't have anything more serious or a raging fever. Fevers scare the crap out of me for young infants.

Halloween was great this year. My in-laws came over to help us with the door. we get a TON of kids so it would not be possible for us to walk her around without someone Manning the door. We had homemade tortellini soup and warm rum cider drinks YUMMMMM We put Paige in her fairy Halloween costume and walked her around our neighborhood. It was a great night and just seems to make the holidays so much more enjoyable!!!

Friday, October 16, 2009


Ahhhhhhhh what a couple of weeks it has been. Paige just cant seem to stay healthy. First we cancel our trip to Florida due to a nasty ear infection and now she has another one or the same one that just didn't clear up. She has been pulling on the ear and i knew something was up but it didn't seem to bother her unless she was tired. I thought perhaps it was just a habit she had started. Then Tuesday night I knew something wasn't right. I picked her up from daycare and she immediately fell asleep in the car. Normally she would wake up smiling and laughing but not this time. WOOHOO she was pissed. She felt warm and sure enough she had a temp. Panic mode starts to set in, you see I am deathly afraid of swine flu at this point. I think about it constantly so the second she gets even a low grade temp I freak!!!!. After getting her down at 8pm I decided our rectal thermometer wasn't working and needed one for the night because what if she woke up roasting and I didn't have an accurate thermometer. So off I went to Rite Aid at 8:30pm on a cold rainy Wednesday night. While driving through "town" i spot a popular restaurant/bar on the right with a few young looking girls outside smoking cigarettes and laughing their asses off. And then I realize..........WOW how life has changed. 5 years ago I was that girl. Out on a Wednesday night laughing and having a good time without a care in the world. Now I am the stressed out mom who is slightly over weight and frantically driving to Rite Aid to get a RECTAL THERMOMETER. When did that happen I ask myself?

Sleeping has been alittle tough because Paige is not sleeping well. At 4:30am she started stirring. I scooped her up and brought her in bed with me. This has become our new routine and we both enjoy it. Usually if I do this she will sleep until 6 or even 7. I semi-sleep and just watch her sleep most of the time. Our position is always the same. We both turn our bodies to face each other basically nose to nose. I can feel her breath on my face and its so peaceful. Sometimes she will reach out for me and just lay her hand on my face. This morning we both woke up at the same time. So there we are at 5:30am in the morning staring at each other.....nose to nose. I say "Hi Baby girl" she puts the biggest smile on her face and makes alittle coo and I MELT. By far the best moment I have had in a while. At that point I realized our bond is so strong. I am by far her favorite person and she is mine. At some point this will change and she wont even want to be seen with me but for right now we are totally BFF's:)

Monday, September 21, 2009

I miss her

We are coming off a very long weekend. It was the Bills homeopener so of course we had out of town guest. Michele & Brendan came in from Milford and Pat came in from Providence. Michele watched Paige on Friday and she did great. Paige was super happy and even took a 2 1/2 hour nap for Michele in her crib. (what a good girl) Mil took Paige Saturday morning for her first swimming lession at the YMCA. She did really well, I will go to watch them next Saturday. Marilynn had her overnight Saturday and Sunday. Yesterday I started to miss her and today I just cant stand it. I cant wait to get out of here at 4:30 to go get her. My little Angel.......she is just an amazing kid. Its amazing how soon you forget what it took to make her, carry her, deliver her. But I would do it 10 times over if it meant getting the same beautiful result. I will have her alot this week on my own. Jonesey is working crazy hours at work and a few overnights. All to myself and I dont even care if she up all night..........:) Well maybe I do alittle because I do still have to go to work.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Here I am again

Wow I cant believe Paige is 7 months old this Saturday!!!! What a long road it has been for us. She just started sleeping through the night about 3 weeks ago. She has a cold currently which makes her cranky but for the most part she is the most amazing child I have ever seen (probably because she is my own:) She continues to amaze me every day with something new. Makes life so wonderful and gives it a purpose. She is everything and more I hoped she would be.

I am still dealing with major anxiety in regards to her, her health, well being, development etc..... Why cant I just let go and enjoy. Someone once told me not to wish away her milestones. Its so true. I am always saying "when she can crawl, walk, talk, ride a bike........I forget all the milestones she has already hit. Sitting up, saying babababa,mamamamama (once), giggling so much her sides hurt, eating solids like a big girl, sitting in her highchair, holding her own bottle. Ahhh where have these 7 months gone.

Last night we were walking the Bills against the Pats and she was laughing and standing with some assistance and hubby and I were laughing so hard because she was cracking up so much. It sounds stupid but was a great moment. She is and always be the center of our life. As long as she is happy and healthy I am good........

Love you little girl

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

4 weeks to go!!!

Wow the weeks still seem to be flying by. I think the key is to keep working as long as possible. Here we are at 35 weeks and still going strong. I am tired and sore and sleeping is pretty much out of the question. But I am happy Paige is still in there and healthy. I had my Buffalo show this past weekend and my mom was here to help getting things organized. The nursery looks amazing and it only needs small finishing touches at this point. We had an appointment with Dr. Fraas last week and she answered a lot of questions. I am officially done with Dr. White and the sonograms. (this makes me sad) Now it is just a waiting game. I have 2 1/2 weeks left of work and then a week of rest. We are so excited to meet Paige.

I will write next week

We love you Paige


Monday, January 26, 2009

5 weeks to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cant believe we are 5 weeks away (as of tomorrow) yes that's right tomorrow we are officially 34 weeks. We are really in the home stretch here. This weekend is my Buffalo shower and my mom is coming into town. She will help me wash things and get things organized and put away properly. People are commenting on how big I am getting. Baby Paige is really active in there rolling, kicking, and moving. I am so tired and sore all the time it is really unbelievable. The stress of carrying an extra 45 pounds is really taking a toll on my body. But I will take all the stress and discomfort if it means baby Paige comes out healthy and happy. My hormones seem to really be kicking up lately. This weekend was a rough one not really sure why? I booked daycare for Paige at Brierwood daycare for Monday, Thursday & Friday. So happy that is booked and I don't have to worry about it anymore. They seem really nice and I know Paige will fit in perfectly:)
We have an appointment with Dr. Fraas Wednesday and I plan to ask a bunch of questions about the c-section, birth control after Paige comes, etc...

We love you Paige and cant wait to meet you:)
Grow big and strong for Mommy & Daddy!!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Well week 32 turned out to be an informative week. We started off with a doctor appointment on Tuesday and were surprised to hear they wanted to book our c-section now. So we are officially booked on 3/3/09 at 9am. I will need to be there at 7am and can not eat or drink after midnight the night before. I CAN NOT BELIEVE WE HAVE A BIRTHDAY!!! We are so excited we cant stand it. The c-section is with Dr. Baronski which we have not seen. We will see her at our 37 week appointment.

I had an appointment with Dr. White booked for Friday but we changed it to Thursday due to bad weather. Of course I got the nurse which is my least favorite. Paige was not cooperating with us either. First she had the hiccups and then right as they were about to do the 4D sono she turned facing inward and we could not get the shot. Otherwise everything else looked really good. She weight a whopping 5 LBS. and is now in the 89% percentale for length. (wonder how she takes after) The nurse said I might go early because she is SO BIG:)

It has been snowing so hard here lately and I am so ready for Spring, too bad we have a few more months of snow before we can even think about Spring. DH put together the swing today and I just cant wait for Paige to arrive!!!

We love you Paige keep growing big and strong for Mommy & Daddy (but not too big and strong as you are really starting to hurt Mommy with those movements and kicks:)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

31 Weeks (9 weeks to go) ONLY 8 MORE WEEKS OF WORK!!!

I have not been keeping up with my updates!!!

Well here we are, its already 2009. 2009 is the year of Paige and I am so excited. I cant believe we are 2 months away from the arrival of Paige. Christmas and New Years was so nice and relaxing. I needed some time off from work to relax and get things in order for Paige. The nursery looks amazing. I have all the bedding washed and set up. My Rhinebeck shower was beautiful. I was so touched my mom went to so much trouble and really made the shower extra special. I took many pictures and we had 20 guests. I got beautiful gifts. Michele bought so many outfits from Gap I don't even know where to start LOL.
Next week we have a follow up with the OBGYN as well as a growth scan with Dr. White. I am really looking forward to seeing Paige again. I know she is still breech as I can feel her now and distinguish where her head is. It's funny when she is active, I can put my hand on my belly and she will eventually move towards my hand. That makes me feel so special, like she knows her momma's touch. I cant wait to meet her.

We love you Paige, please continue to grow big and strong......