Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Here I am again

Wow I cant believe Paige is 7 months old this Saturday!!!! What a long road it has been for us. She just started sleeping through the night about 3 weeks ago. She has a cold currently which makes her cranky but for the most part she is the most amazing child I have ever seen (probably because she is my own:) She continues to amaze me every day with something new. Makes life so wonderful and gives it a purpose. She is everything and more I hoped she would be.

I am still dealing with major anxiety in regards to her, her health, well being, development etc..... Why cant I just let go and enjoy. Someone once told me not to wish away her milestones. Its so true. I am always saying "when she can crawl, walk, talk, ride a bike........I forget all the milestones she has already hit. Sitting up, saying babababa,mamamamama (once), giggling so much her sides hurt, eating solids like a big girl, sitting in her highchair, holding her own bottle. Ahhh where have these 7 months gone.

Last night we were walking the Bills against the Pats and she was laughing and standing with some assistance and hubby and I were laughing so hard because she was cracking up so much. It sounds stupid but was a great moment. She is and always be the center of our life. As long as she is happy and healthy I am good........

Love you little girl

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