Wednesday, November 26, 2008

25 Weeks/Thanksgiving

Another week down (just 15 to go)!!!!!
This week again was pretty uneventful which is always a good thing. I feel tired, sore, ligament pain etc......... But I will take all the pain if it means Paige is growing big and strong. This week is Thanksgiving and that means I get tomorrow and Friday off which I am really looking forward too. How many things we have this year to give thanks for!!!! Every year we say that around the dinner table but this year I feel it is just SO true.

Next week we will have another doctors appointment with Dr. Allen and we will get to hear her heartbeat. This is always something that puts a smile on my face. Starting next week we will see the OB every 2 weeks vs. once a month. We are getting there slowly but surely. I have said from day 1 that if we can just get through the holidays Paige will be here before we know it. Tomorrow officially kicks off the holiday season so I am really looking forward to it!!!!

Grow big and strong Paige, we love you!!!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

24 Weeks!!

Things have been great!!! Week 23 went by without a hitch and here we are on week 24. This is a big week for me. I have read on the Internet that once a baby makes it till 24 weeks there is a good possibility they can be delivered and survive. As always i am hoping preterm labor will not be an issue but if it is at least I an have some hope. My next goal will be 30 weeks.
I went for a cervix check last Friday and everything looked really well. I had my favorite u/s tech (Patty) and she even gave me a quick peek at Paige. Cervix was holding strong at 4.78cm and fluids around Paige looked good. She was jumping around so much that Patty was finding it hard to get what she needed LOL Anyway I thought I would need to go again this week but Patty and Dr White confirmed I am done for now YIPPEE..... They booked me for another cervix check and growth scan at 28 weeks and said to call if I had any concerns. I love that office, they are all so nice and on-time!! I have a short break from doctors for the time being which is nice. Our next appointment is just an OB check up at 26 weeks with Dr. Allen (which will be all of 10 minutes knowing her)
Saturday we got Paige's room put together and DH put together the crib and glider. It looks like a real nursery and I just love it. I catch myself going in there just to rock on the glider and think about how it will be when Paige is here with us.
2 nights ago DH finally got to feel Paige kick from the outside. I think he was thrilled.... I also received my invitation for my home baby shower put on by my mom. I loved it, the theme is "a star is soon to be born" how cute.
Grow big and strong Paige we love you:)

Monday, November 10, 2008

22 Week Updates

Well we have had another great week!!
Thursday was our monthly OB appointment with Dr. Trivett. She was not my favorite but I guess she was OK. Nothing new to report there except all looks good. We heard a "healthy heartbeat" and my uterus is measuring exactly as it should.
Friday was another cervix check and growth scan for Paige. Cervix is holding strong at about a 4.38cm with no funneling Yippie!!! Then we got a look at Paige, HOW BIG SHE HAS GOTTEN. All organs including the heart still look very good. Overall she was measuring about a week ahead of schedule. However the length of her legs are 2 weeks ahead (I wonder where she gets that from? Could it be her Daddy?) They weighed her and she is 1 pound 6 ounces which is 6 oz. more than the normal. The nurse confirms she is in the 59% for growth which is great. Amniotic fluid levels were good and she has plenty of room in there to grow big and strong.
this was the first appointment that I could actually feel some of the movement I was seeing on the screen ( SO COOL) So over all she is a healthy little angel. We will continue with weekly cervix checks for 2 more weeks and the we will only need to go over 4 weeks for a growth scan to make sure she continues to progress.

I also set up the birthing class for 12/13 at the hospital we will deliver at. This is an all day Saturday class from 9-5pm. It should be very interesting.

Carpet is coming tomorrow and then finally maybe we can get Paige's room put together. I am so excited.

We love you Paige, grow big and strong for Mommy & Daddy