Monday, November 10, 2008

22 Week Updates

Well we have had another great week!!
Thursday was our monthly OB appointment with Dr. Trivett. She was not my favorite but I guess she was OK. Nothing new to report there except all looks good. We heard a "healthy heartbeat" and my uterus is measuring exactly as it should.
Friday was another cervix check and growth scan for Paige. Cervix is holding strong at about a 4.38cm with no funneling Yippie!!! Then we got a look at Paige, HOW BIG SHE HAS GOTTEN. All organs including the heart still look very good. Overall she was measuring about a week ahead of schedule. However the length of her legs are 2 weeks ahead (I wonder where she gets that from? Could it be her Daddy?) They weighed her and she is 1 pound 6 ounces which is 6 oz. more than the normal. The nurse confirms she is in the 59% for growth which is great. Amniotic fluid levels were good and she has plenty of room in there to grow big and strong.
this was the first appointment that I could actually feel some of the movement I was seeing on the screen ( SO COOL) So over all she is a healthy little angel. We will continue with weekly cervix checks for 2 more weeks and the we will only need to go over 4 weeks for a growth scan to make sure she continues to progress.

I also set up the birthing class for 12/13 at the hospital we will deliver at. This is an all day Saturday class from 9-5pm. It should be very interesting.

Carpet is coming tomorrow and then finally maybe we can get Paige's room put together. I am so excited.

We love you Paige, grow big and strong for Mommy & Daddy

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