Friday, November 13, 2009

Why do children have to get teeth or have ears?

OMG we are having issues.......Paige seems to be cutting teeth like its her day job. This of course is great but it makes her cranky and I cant stay I blame her. She will put something in her mouth and then all of a sudden cry. My poor baby

EARS!!! Still having issues with these damn ears. We are on our 4th antibiotic and now the infection is in the left ear rather than the right. The doctor said "wow that one looks like it hurts" I feel so bad for my little angel. She is sleeping very restlessly probably because her damn ear is killing needless to say we are off to a specialist. I see tubes in her future but don't really want to say that out loud. I am thankful she doesn't have anything more serious or a raging fever. Fevers scare the crap out of me for young infants.

Halloween was great this year. My in-laws came over to help us with the door. we get a TON of kids so it would not be possible for us to walk her around without someone Manning the door. We had homemade tortellini soup and warm rum cider drinks YUMMMMM We put Paige in her fairy Halloween costume and walked her around our neighborhood. It was a great night and just seems to make the holidays so much more enjoyable!!!

1 comment:

Two Shorten the Road said...

I feel your pain. Lexie has been a teething fiend as well for the past few weeks. I thought it would get better after she got her first tooth last month, but after a week or so she turned into ms. crankypants again. Today in particular has been pretty ugly -- if the crankyness is any sign, tooth #2 may be making its appearance very soon.